Partnership between Italy and USA to support the global manufacturing renaissance

foto A manufacturing_reinassance_conference OKItaly and USA signed an alliance to relaunch an innovative, sustainable and inclusive manufacturing industry. Aster, the Consortium for Innovation and Technology Transfer in Emilia-Romagna, and Manufacturing Renaissance, independent no-profit organization in Chicago committed to an American manufacturing renaissance, have just signed a partnership, named “Global Manufacturing Renaissance Alliance”, to relaunch at global level a “sustainable” economic-industrial development. The announcement has been given yesterday in Milan, during the Global Manufacturing Renaissance conference, in the presence of Italian, European and American institutional representatives, under the round table organized next to the Competitiveness Council Informal meeting of the Ministers for Industry. “The Manufacturing Renaissance refers to a new industry, which operates in a global context, in an innovative dimension, and whose value is derived from processes, products, and even more on services and systems. In this context technology innovation, digitization, development of human capital and new jobs, sustainable and environmentally friendly industry, financing instruments supporting the real economy industry and labor are the elements that characterize this new industrial devolution.” Paolo Bonaretti, Aster General Manager, quotes. Dan Swinney, Executive Director of Manufacturing Renaissance in Chicago adds: “Central to a transformative vision of society is recognizing the pivotal role of manufacturing in global development. We are in a “new industrial age”. In the next 20 years, we need to address the challenges of creating a modern sustainable global society, dramatically reduce global poverty, and solve the challenge of global warming, among other things.  Manufacturing is the essential means to these ends”.  The “Global Manufacturing Renaissance Alliance” aims to promote socially inclusive, sustainable production models that encompass the internationalization of applied research and development, innovation and the competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of highly skilled workforce. An Alliance which values the manufacturing renaissance at economic, social, scientific and cultural level, developing, for example, joint programs on technical education by raising the quality of the training, research and the exchange of good practices, innovative actions in the financial field too; promoting collaboration of public and private institutions. The “Global Manufacturing Renaissance Alliance” also aims to boost the potential of SMEs, helping them to equip themselves with everything needed to efficiently compete in the market. It is needed an industrial revolution, taking advantage of all the factors that can lead to the success of this process: technological innovation, digitization, training of human capital and research of new tools for financing.

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