Covestro breaks ground on two new production facilities in Shanghai
Materials manufacturer Covestro broke ground on two new plants in Shanghai to meet the rising demand for polyurethane dispersions (PUDs) and elastomers. These new facilities, which represent a combined investment of a mid…

Hexagon Extends Presence in German Mould and Die Market
Hexagon AB a leader in digital reality solutions combining sensor, software and autonomous technologies, has announced the acquisition of Men at Work GmbH, a reseller of Hexagon’s VISI CAD CAM software for the…

UCISAP Stampi & Co: knowledge is the cure
Numerous were the topics in agenda at the recent Stampi & Co. meeting that UCISAP, the Italian moulders and toolmakers association, staged in Pozzolengo, near Brescia; and as many as 180 were the…

European branch of International Special Tooling & Machining Association elects new chairma
With Markus Heseding, managing director of VDMA Präzisionswerkzeuge, Germany today took over the presidency of ISTMA Europe. He succeeds Joaquim Menezes, owner of Iberomoldes, on behalf of CEFAMOL who has last chaired the…

The city of Chicago (USA) will host ISTMA Meeting and its 2019 General Assembly. Event will be organized by NTMA – National Tooling and Machining Association, on April 23 to 25, at Heidenhain…

Joaquim Menezes is the new EFFRA Chairman
The ISTMA Europe President, Joaquim Menezes, was elected Chairman of the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA), during its latest General Assembly held on March 1, in Brussels (Belgium). The Portuguese industrialist is succeeding Maurizio…

Claudia Haimer is the New Chairwoman of the Board of VDMA Bavaria
Claudia Haimer, Managing Director and founder of HAIMER GmbH in Igenhausen, previously Deputy Chairwoman of VDMA Bavaria, was elected as the new Chairwoman of the Board of VDMA Bavaria on March 9th, 2018. Dr. Rolf Pfeiffer,…

Sepro features its First ‘made-in-America’ robot
Sepro America LLC, the U.S. subsidiary of France-based Sepro Group, plans to build 40 of its largest robots products this year at its recently expanded plant in Warrendale, Pa. One of the first…

Zeiger showcases the molding of an automotive LED headlamp optic at NPE
Zeiger Industries, a manufacturer of plasticating components such as screw tips, tool-steel screws and nozzles, has teamed up with seven other companies to showcase the molding of an automotive LED headlamp optic at…

Hermle large part machining centres in mould and tool making
HETEC’s claim of “Performance is not a matter of chance” exactly expresses the philosophy and strategy of the machining services supplier from Breidenbach. And that philosophy was born out of Friedhelm Herhaus‘ experience:…
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