MECSPE 2015 – Fiere di Parma March 26th -28th

Mould and die manufacturing, forming and moulding techniques: the focus of Eurostampi and PlastixExpo in Parma

DSC_9012 OKInnovation and future production developments in the sector of moulds and dies, forming and moulding processes will be protagonist at Eurostampi and PlastixExpo, within the 14th edition of MECSPE – the international exhibition of innovation technologies – that will be held from 26th to 28th March 2015 at Fiere di Parma (Parma fairgrounds).

The two fair trades, constant reference event for the industry of moulds, dies, forming and moulding in Italy, stand out for the manifold initiatives that are developed in their inside and that allow visitors to analyse thoroughly aspects connected with the development of emerging technologies, while permitting exhibitors to enjoy the technological transfer among adjacent sectors, thanks to the synergy with other shows in course. Besides, the exhibition layout, which groups the same product categories in “thematic districts” (mould and die district – moulding and forming district – innovative material district …), allows granting the best visibility to the products on show and at the same time it helps visitors in identifying the best proposals in the various areas. Among the initiatives, it is confirmed the meeting with the Bioplastic Square, in collaboration with Materioteca®. To make more understandable terms like Bioplastic, Biomass, Biodegradable and Compost, in the area it will be possible to analyse the matters concerning the productive sector of plastic polymers and to have a proof of innovative materials and products developed like “masterpieces”. “Through the Bioplastic Square – explains Diana Castiglione, director of Materioteca® – we intend to stimulate once more the creativity of the design words with unprecedented materials and artefacts, to cultivate serenely new ideas and hopes for our future”. In the Micromachining Square, thanks to the collaboration with AITeM (Italian Association of Mechanical Technologies), the whole productive process will be on show, ranging from the development and design of a micro-component with use simulation, CAD modelling, simulation of the productive process up to the CAM programming of machines for the implementation of the electrode to produce the micro-mould, to the stock removal machining of the electrode, to the micro-EDM machining of the micro-mould to the plastic micro-injection of the micro-component. Besides the demo area, where operating machines will be on stage, they will set up a showroom with micro-parts and micro-moulds and dies coming from production chain partners and the most authoritative technological centres. Besides, in-depth study opportunities will be scheduled to illustrate the problems and the micromachining characteristics and to exhibit the state-of-art of the university research on the matter. Working Isles, with operating machines and several partner exhibitors, develop at the exhibition specific themes in the ambit of plastic machining, so that visitors can “have a proof” of all the solutions to improve the production of their companies. The working isles of the next edition will be oriented to specific sectors, like: medical, electronic, packaging, technical, aerospace and they will compare standard machining processes with new technological frontiers: 3D printing, machining of nano-charged materials and of composites, rapid tooling in moulds and dies, ABS in metal sintering parts and so on. Thanks to the presence of the 3DPrint Hub hall inside MECSPE, wide room, in particular, will be given to the 3D printing that, with its capability of creating models, prototypes and products customizable in short times and at low costs, represents a real revolution for the Italian productive system and a great opportunity for the companies that bet on projects and design. Among the projects that will enliven the 2015 edition of MECSPE, the initiative Digital Factory – beyond the automation, a project of digital integration of all systems and subsystems that compose a modern factory. The Digital factory is a new frontier for up-to-date companies, in which through the use of PLM platforms it will be possible to manage in real time the manufacturing of productive batches along the whole productive chain, without any territorial or physical barrier, from rapid prototyping to design, production and final assembly. In the edition of this year, they will manufacture parts of an electric car designed and produced by the H2Polito team, of Turin Polytechnics with the support of industrial partners. Concerning the moulding and forming area, they will develop, in the project ambit, the theme of intelligent moulds and dies, based on the implementation of mould and die sensors and on the integration of information received from sensors and press during the moulding and forming cycle.

DSC_9178 OKThe 9 showrooms of MECSPE

Macchine e Utensili – machine tools, tools and equipment; Eurostampi – the world of moulds, dies and of mould and die making; Plastix Expo – the world of plastic machining; Subfornitura – the biggest Italian show of subcontracting machining; 3DPrint Hub – Motek Italy – automation, robotics and power transmissions; Control Italy –  metrology and quality; Logistics – the systems for the management of logistics, machines and equipment; Trattamenti & Finiture – surface treatments and finishes.

The numbers of the 2014 edition of MECSPE

In the halls of Fiere di Parma, from 27th to 29th March 2014, they registered 31,625 visitors and 1,087 exhibitors. They set up 16 demo units, 15 thematic areas, 7 showrooms, 9 excellence squares, 13 conventions and over 90 mini-conferences organized by enterprises, universities and research institutes.

For all information about the exhibition, phone 02 332039470

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