Italy of Industry 4.0 drives the labour market but companies struggle to find the suitable workers: according to a study by Confartigianato, from July to September of the current year enterprises foresee 117,560 employments of personnel with qualifications connected with technological innovation, of which as many as 67,510 concern the sector of mechanics, but businesses are dealing with some difficulties in finding specialized workers.
They are “unobtainable” 64% of the potential engaged people in the sector of the machine tool installation and 58% of the operators entrusted with NC machines management.
A gap, the one existing among youth and enterprises, that MECSPE, the trade fair of the manufacturing industry 4.0 organized by Senaf (Fiere di Parma, from 22nd to 24th March 2018) shares in filling: in a context where enterprises are in search of concrete and efficacious answers, MECSPE represents a tried and tested connection opportunity among the companies that have accepted the challenge of innovation and the new talents ready to get involved.

Panoramical view of the exhibition hall
The exhibition, at its 17th edition, confirms its commitment to this direction by organizing –in the course of the three-day event in Parma – training opportunities with companies, universities and associations and, during the year, itinerant meetings to promote the business culture in the most strategic territories that are undertaking the course to join the National Plan Industry 4.0.
“In a survey where the data coming from the industrial production confirm a structural recovery and where, as recently depicted by Unioncamere, the Italian export scores again excellent results, with +26.7 billion Euros in the 2014-2016 triennium, creating meeting and debate opportunities about Industry 4.0 represents and efficacious manner to contribute in the Country’s upswing – comments Emilio Bianchi, Director of Senaf – In this context, MECSPE shares in building the factory of the future, as it represents an irremissible meeting with the main realities of the made in Italy manufacturing that make innovation the key of their success”.
Precisely the “Digital factory 4.0” will be one of the protagonist themes of the next edition of MECSPE: inside a single Hall (Hall 4) will be presented and discussed the systems and the novelties regarding the digital integration that contribute in designing the industry of the future, a place where processes are more efficient and in which times and costs will be reduced.
To increase Italian companies’ level of competitiveness, procedures and productions cannot leave aside the systematic recourse to digital platforms and the next edition of MECSPE, with its meetings focused on the outstanding themes of the “fourth industrial revolution”, such as the collaborative robotics, the internet of things and the cloud manufacturing, will be the ideal opportunity to outline the state-of-the-art and the prospects of manufacturing industries in Italy.
In addition to the trade fair in Parma next spring, MECSPE organizes various meetings, subdivided by reference industry, aimed at establishing a dialogue among the primary players of the fields that make our Country a global excellence, involving leader entrepreneurs, trade associations and Institutions.
“MECSPE laboratories –DIGITAL FACTORY, the Italian way to industry 4.0” will be focused on “Plastic and Automotive” (Modena, October 9th), “Aluminium, Titanium, Magnesium and general mechanics” (Brescia, November 13th), “Composite Materials and Aerospace” (Naples, February 5th) and they will also represent the opportunity to guide enterprises in the digitalization course started by the National Plan Industry 4.0.
Besides, they have provided for a conclusive stage inside MECSPE, where they will deal with the theme of the central role that man, with his unique qualities and prerogatives, must still maintain in a digitalized world.
The numbers of MECSPE 2017
45,817 visitors, 105,000 square metres of exhibition surface, 2,051 exhibiting companies, 10 Excellence Squares, 58 Demo Units and working isles, 7 product quarters, 11 thematic showrooms, 75 training events organized by companies, universities and associations.
The halls of MECSPE
Machines and Tools – machine tools, tools and equipment; Digital Factory – computer technologies for the management of a smart factory; Motek Italy – factory automation; Power Drive – Systems- Components – Mechatronics; Control Italy – metrology and quality control; Logistics – systems for the management of logistics, machines and equipment; Mechanical Subcontracting – subcontracting industrial machining; Electronic Subcontracting – design, electronic machining, components and accessories; Eurostampi, Machines and plastic subcontracting – moulds and moulding; plastic material and rubber processing; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototyping and 3D printing; Surface Treatments – machines and plants for the surface treatment and finishing; New hall of non-ferrous materials and alloys – aluminium, titanium, magnesium, composites and technologies.