MECSPE the best technologies to make industry more competitive

Con l’edizione 2019 e le nuove conferenze dei laboratori delle fabbriche digitali, Senaf riunisce le PMI per aumentare la produzione italiana.

Il piano nazionale di Industria 4.0 ha realizzato l’occasione per le aziende italiane di successo legate alla quarta rivoluzione industriale con vantaggi tangibili a più di un anno di distanza. Come riportato dall’Osservatorio Politecnico di Milano, il mercato dell’Industria 4.0 in Italia nel 2017 ha raggiunto un valore di 2,3-2,4 miliardi di euro , con una crescita del 30% rispetto all’anno precedente. Una Spinta fiduciosa Che apre la strada alla possibilita di Essere posizionata in linea con le Previsioni Sugli Investimenti Globali in servizi e tecnologie Che consentono la Trasformazione digitale della “Guida semestrale Mondiale alla conversione digitalesemestrale “di IDC, che indica che la spesa in un livello globale di soluzioni nel 2018 dovrebbe raggiungere $ 1,100 miliardi (nel 2017 ha toccato i 958 miliardi), con una produzione intelligente in testa ( $ 333 miliardi).

[su_box title = “MECSPE: i numeri” box_color = “# 89b9de”] 12 saloni tematici, 28 unità dimostrative, 5 piazze dell’eccellenza, 2.260 aziende presenti, 58 convegni e officina, 110.000 mq di superficie espositiva. [/ su_box]

Il più grande evento manifatturieristico italiano (centro fieristico di Parma dal 28 al 30 marzo 2019), Senaf si concentrerà sui contenuti proposti su idee innovativo che permette un aumento della produzione italiana.

Un’edizione ancora più all’avanguardia e trasversale per trovare la soluzione desiderata nei prodotti offerti e / o uno stimolo di trasferimento tecnologico, grazie alla sinergia delle aree tematiche sviluppate dall’evento e all’iniziativa core espositiva che verrà come al solito, nel padiglione 4, fornendo una prova concreta della frontiera della digitalizzazione per le fabbriche, 4.0 consentendo sistemi e tecnologie che contribuiscono alla progettazione dell’industria moderna.

This strong attractive hub will be surrounded by the mechanical processing, plastic processing, rubber and composites processing supply chains, as well as those of non ferrous materials and alloys, electromechanical and electronic processing, automation and digital factory, exhibitors of the 12 halls that make up the event:

Mechanical Subcontracting, the exhibition hub on industrial processing for third parties and the second largest MECSPE hall; Electronic Subcontracting, an area where electronic component design and assembly companies will be able to provide their expertise in creating increasingly higher performance and intelligent products in line with current market needs; Machines and Utensils, dedicated to machines for mechanical machining and shavings removal; Treatments and Finishes, biannual exhibit dedicated to surface treatments and finishes; Control Italy, the exhibit dedicated to control, metrology and the quality system; Motek Italy, exhibit dedicated to robotics, manipulation, assembly and system integrators and Power Drive, dedicated to mechanical, oil-hydraulic and pneumatic power transmissions, as well as mechatronics; Logistics, specialised on issues of industrial logistics and warehouses; Eurostampi – Plastic, rubber and composite machines and subcontracting; Additive Manufacturing, focusing on professional 3D printing technologies with an in depth look at mechanics, prototyping, modelling and industrial design; Digital Factory, entirely oriented toward issues related to the intelligent factory and the benefits of this new production system in terms of cost and time (from information technology to industrial sensors, from Cloud Manufacturing to automatic identification technologies, all the way to software and machines capable of wireless communication through the Internet of things); Non-ferrous materials and alloys.

[su_box title=”Halls” box_color=”#89b9de”]Macchine e Utensili – macchine utensili, utensili e attrezzature; Fabbrica Digitale – tecnologie informatiche per la gestione di una fabbrica intelligente; Motek Italy – automazione di fabbrica; Power Drive – Sistemi – Componenti – Meccatronica; Control Italy – metrologia e controllo qualità; Logistica – sistemi per la gestione della logistica, macchine e attrezzature; Subfornitura Meccanica – lavorazioni industriali in conto terzi; Subfornitura Elettronica – progettazione, lavorazioni elettroniche e componenti e accessori; Eurostampi, Macchine e subfornitura plastica –stampi e stampaggio; lavorazioni delle materie plastiche della gomma e dei compositi; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototiping e 3D printing; Trattamenti e Finiture – macchine e impianti per il trattamento e la finitura delle superfici; Materiali non ferrosi e leghe – alluminio, titanio, magnesio.[/su_box]

However, the MECSPE voyage does not go through only the spring event at the Parma Exhibition Centre, nor do the proposals and concrete examples to pave the Italian way for industry 4.0. In a scenario that strives to have an increasingly competitive system thanks to collaboration between universities, research centres, the system of companies and PMIs, Senaf gives a voice to the heritage of companies and the story of case history 4.0 made in Italy in a new cycle of meetings between 2018 and 2019 of the DIGITAL FACTORY MECSPE LABORATORIES, The Italian way for Industry 4.0, which comes ahead of the next edition of the annual and eagerly awaited exhibition event. Who has been able to keep up with the rapid digital transformation process? Who has accelerated their progress compared to the competitors? Who, on the other hand, could have, but was unable to gain access to the Calenda Plan incentives? These and many other points will be tackled by the testimonies that will resume from Brescia on 21 September on the stop organised for the occasion of InnovA (Brixia Forum, from 20 through 22 September 2018):

“In this delicate phase of transition that has struggled to see the definition of a new government, the confidence of Italian entrepreneurs has not died for an industrialisation plan that a strong dynamic push had reactivated after an initial uphill start – stated Maruska Sabato, MECSPE Project Manager – Now more than ever, we believe that we must come alongside our fabric of PMIs and listen to the enterprises in order to take stock of the situation and understand which is the best road to follow. Every territory is different, with its particularities and complexities. This is why we will cross it again this year, from north to south, going through those symbolic districts that embody the realities on which we should focus in the development process that we hope to see in our country.”

Dopo Brescia, sarà la volta di Torino, poi di Catania, di nuovo di Parma (in occasione dell’inaugurazione della 18 ° edizione di MECSPE che si terrà presso il quartiere fieristico di Parma dal 28 al 30 marzo 2019) e di Padova.

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