Moveinspect version 7 screen
The latest version of the MoveInspect software offers a lot of new features and comfortable benefits: new calibration method, more interfaces, redesign of the user interface.
Thanks to the calibration with both fixed reference field and scale bar, large-scale measuring volumes are now calibrated with the highest precision possible. The new method “reference field and object” is especially suitable for multiple camera arrays, i.e. AICON’s 3D Arena, and allows for considerable increase of accuracy.
Working with Dynamic Referencing is even more comfortable than before. Users can now create multiple references and can easily switch between them. In addition, the automatic exchange and actualization of existing sets of reference points within the measuring process are possible.
Of course, the latest MoveInspect software version works with the new high-resolution HF4 cameras, applicable for dynamic measurements of up to 1000 Hz. Before starting the project, the available memory space is checked, and the user gets a warning in case of too low capacity.
Additionally, MoveInspect is now able to read the measuring results of IES tilt sensors and data recording modules of third-party suppliers and to share the information with the analysis software. Measuring results of either MI.Probe or active probe can directly be transferred to Microsoft Excel.
The look and feel of the new software version is very clear and well structured. The single menus are arranged more neatly. Changing between different menus is much easier. Process and cost optimization at its best!
Licensed customers with a valid software maintenance contract will automatically receive the new MoveInspect Software version 7 with the next software update.
For more information, visit www.aicon3d.com.