Creaform announces Pipecheck 4.0
Creaform, the leading supplier of portable 3D measurement solutions and engineering services, is set to release Pipecheck version 4.0. Building upon Pipecheck’s powerful and highly accurate NDT software for pipeline integrity assessments, the…

Renishaw launches FixtureBuilder, a 3D-modelling software package
Renishaw has developed FixtureBuilder, a 3D-modelling software package designed to allow the off-line creation and documentation of fixturing set-ups. The software can be used with a CAD model of the part to be…

Autodesk presented the latest versione of Inventor 2017 software
Autodesk released Inventor 2017, one of the most advanced 3D modeling solutions for manufacturing industry professionals. The latest version in innovative software for designers and engineers, Inventor 2017 delivers new professional-grade design, interoperability…

New MetraSCAN 3D from Creaform
Worldwide leader in portable 3D measurement solutions and engineering services Creaform has presented MetraSCAN 3D, its new 3D scanner for shop-floor operation. Re-engineered to address increasing manufacturing quality standards, it offers the best…
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