MECSPE 2018 designs the factory of the future: a benchmark for Industry 4.0
Italy of Industry 4.0 drives the labour market but companies struggle to find the suitable workers: according to a study by Confartigianato, from July to September of the current year enterprises foresee 117,560…

MECSPE 2018 designs the factory of the future: a benchmark for Industry 4.0
Italy of Industry 4.0 drives the labour market but companies struggle to find the suitable workers: according to a study by Confartigianato, from July to September of the current year enterprises foresee 117,560…

Fakuma fair celebrates its 25th anniversary
The Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing is going to celebrate its 25th birthday. The exhibition willtake place from 17 to 21 October 2017 at the Friedrichshafen Exhibition Centre, Germany, and host…

Experience Composites – powered by JEC, the new fair on fibre composite and light-weight construction
The new fibre composite and light-weight construction trade fair “Experience Composites – powered by JEC” will take place in Augsburg between 21st and 23rd September 2016 for the first time. The creators of…

Moulding Expo is a partner of ISTMA
The International Special Tooling & Machining Association (ISTMA) announced the admission of Messe Stuttgart into the ISTMA Global Partner Programme. In particular the Moulding Expo, the trade fair for tool, pattern and mould…

Moulding Expo 2017 30 May-2 June
Moulding Expo 2017 will take place from 30 May to 02 June. After the event, those responsible for the project took time to check various date options, taking into consideration the strategic alignment…

Materialise will exhibit at Euromold
Materialise NV (Belgien) will take part at Euromold and completes the appearance of additive manufacturing industry at the first Euromold taking place at the new venue at Dusseldorf. “We are very pleased with…

Personalised medical technology at METAV 2016
Medical Area at the METAV 2016-International Exhibition for Metalworking Technologies will showcase the new trend towards personalised medical technology is elucidated by experts from the academic community and the industrial sector. The exhibition…
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