VISI software used to design 3D printed implant for shooting victim
Additive technology more typically associated with the aerospace industry was recently used by a cross-disciplinary team of doctors and engineers in Mexico to produce a cranial implant for the victim of a shooting….

The new PrimeScan scanner line from AICON 3D Systems
AICON 3D Systems provides an attractive entry-level solution for highly precise 3D digitization of industrial components: the new scanner line PrimeScan. The new development has a compact design: the base area equals a…

New MetraSCAN 3D R-Series from Creaform for automated inspection
Creaform introduces the MetraSCAN 3D R-Series, which features drastically improved cycle times to further support industrial production control. With built-in seven laser crosses, the system can now pick up to 480,000 measurements/second on…

New MetraSCAN 3D from Creaform
Worldwide leader in portable 3D measurement solutions and engineering services Creaform has presented MetraSCAN 3D, its new 3D scanner for shop-floor operation. Re-engineered to address increasing manufacturing quality standards, it offers the best…
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