UCISAP Stampi & Co: knowledge is the cure
Numerous were the topics in agenda at the recent Stampi & Co. meeting that UCISAP, the Italian moulders and toolmakers association, staged in Pozzolengo, near Brescia; and as many as 180 were the…

Mold makers vs the virus
Both the Italian and the International mould-makers’ association spoke their minds out about the COVID 19 related challenges that the industry is facing, whereas UCISAP president, Alessandro Scalici, wrote an open letter that…

Alessandro Scalici has succeeded Lino Pastore in the presidency of Ucisap
The handing over from the number one of Ucisap, Italian Association of precision Moulds, dies and tooling manufacturers, the retiring Lino Pastore, to the hands of his successor, Alessandro Scalici, has the full characteristics…

The economic recovery comes from Asia
The global financial crisis, expert analysts of the market agree, has led to a strong selection of the players operating in the Italian moulding industry, which however has not lived a decrease of…

Market / Istma – Statistical Year Book 2014 edition
Moulds and dies, in all the languages of the world Expo, Euro devaluation, recovery of the world trade and oil price descent are among the factors that have convinced the Bank of Italy…

Ucisap meeting: Italian mold-makers learn how to be resilient
Despite dealing with an often hostile business environment, affected by an unfavorable fiscal policy and record-high labor costs, players in the segment still display encouraging numbers and manage to compete in the global…
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