Tokai Carbon, dedicated to EDM market

tokai OKTokai Carbon Japanese company, is a worldwide and centenary reality in manufacturing of advanced ceramic materials for industrial applications, among which Isotropic Graphite for EDM, Extruded Graphite, Silicon Carbide (SiC) Heating Elements, Silicon Nitride radiant tubes and thermocouples protections, Glassy Carbon, Tokarec (CFC), Friction Products for earth-moving machinery and brake pads, Carbon Black for the production of tires and special rubbers, Electrodes for arc steel furnaces are emphasized.

Tokai Carbon Italia srl is the Italian subsidiary, 100 % owned by the Japanese group.  In its headquarter in Trezzano Rosa, located in Milano province, Tokai Carbon Italia deals with the processing and marketing of all products of the group. The detailed distribution network dedicated to EDM market, coordinated and supported by the 14 members of Tokai staff, dynamic towards market requirements and ready to face future challenges, has at its disposal a machine shop with NCHS Milling Machines as well as traditional equipment to meet customer’s requests, coming from all over Italy, in the supply of both semi-finished or finished product.

Tokai Carbon Italia is specialized in the construction of EDM electrodes for mold makers, for Aero and Power Generation industry. Equipped with CAD/CAM of latest generation it can provide technical and structural support necessary to the correct choice of proper product among Tokai Carbon wide range of graphite grades. Our experts support the end user during the analysis of process and machining parameters through dedicated training and presentations so that what happens in various process steps can be clearly understood; this depth assistance allows end user to analyze performance and results and to make the necessary changes to improve the final result in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.

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